October 5, 2023

Microorganism Control Agent

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Microorganism Control Agent is an aqueous solution that develops bromine when mixed with chlorine or hypochlorite and it also contains an effective bio dispersant. PRINCIPAL USES Microorganism Control Agent is used to enhance chlorine activity in cooling water systems. Microorganism Control Agent is used in combination with chlorine to control the macro and microbiological growth in cooling water, in industrial water pre-treatment plants and to sterilize waste water from industrial and municipal treatment plants. This product can be particularly useful in situations where biological control cannot be obtained within the regular chlorination limits. PRODUCT BENEFITS Microorganism Control Agent effectively penetrate and remove slime depositsHelps maximize heat transfer efficiencyHelps extend exchanger tube lifeCan reduce halogen residual in the dischargeMinimizes gaseous […]
October 5, 2023


GENERAL DESCRIPTION Coagulant is powder form of aluminium sulphate. PRINCIPAL USES Coagulant is recommended for use as coagulant in clarification of raw water for industrial use and waste water. It is designed coagulate colloidal and suspended matter. PRODUCT BENEFITS Solid, concentrated formCompletely miscible with waterEffective over a wide pH rangeReduces the need for pH adjustmentForms a large, rapid settling flocIs effective at low temperatures. DOSAGE & FEEDING The specific dosage of Coagulant will vary depending on the operating characteristics of the system, the water chemistry and the severity of problems encountered.Coagulant should be applied at a point where maximum distribution and mixing is ensured.MATERIALS: Storage and application equipment (pumps, lines) should be made of PVC, PP, PU, PE, Teflon, Viton, Hypalon […]
October 5, 2023

Cationic Powder Flocculant

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Cationic Powder Flocculant is a high molecular weight powder polymer with a medium cationic charge density and is readily soluble in water. PRINCIPAL USES Cationic Powder Flocculant can be used in a wide range of applications, like – Belt filter, centrifuge, screw press de-watering-increased production rate, cake solids and solids capture – Thickening – improved compaction, settling drainage and effluent quality – Dissolved air flotation – results in clearer supernatant, increased float solids and plant throughput – Secondary clarification – improves final quality by reducing suspended solids and turbidity. PRODUCT BENEFITS – Easily soluble in water – Produces dense, rapidly settling flocs – Is highly active and therefore effective at low dosage rates – Improve throughput and cake solids – […]
October 5, 2023

Anionic Polyelectrolyte

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Anionic Polyelectrolyte is a high molecular weight, anionic powder flocculant readily soluble in water. PRINCIPAL USES Anionic Polyelectrolyte is used for water preparation, waste water clarification, sludge conditioning in mining and several different industrial processes. PRODUCT BENEFITS Anionic Polyelectrolyte can be used in a wide range of applications. It is produced with the highest quality standard to ensure quick dissolution, absence of gels, minimum dusting compared to other powder polymers. DOSAGE The dosage ofAnionic Polyelectrolyte varies according to several factors including temperature, pH, type of suspended solids, type and dynamics of the process. FEEDING Anionic Polyelectrolyte can be applied up to a max. concentration of 0,2 % and  should be dissolved in clear water containing less than 0,5 ppm residual Cl2, at a […]
October 5, 2023

ACID Reverse Osmosis Membrane Cleaner

GENERAL DESCRIPTION ACID is a liquid alkaline membrane cleaning agent. PRINCIPAL USES ACID  is a membrane cleaner developed to support the cleaning of acid insoluble sulfates of calcium, barium and strontium, as well as calcium fluoride. ACID is also effective in removing iron oxides and hydroxides as well as calcium carbonate. ACID  is highly effective when used in combination with high pH detergent cleaners such as ACID  to help remove organic substances and microbial slimes. PRODUCT BENEFITS DOSAGE & FEEDING The dosage of ACID  very much depends on the severity of fouling and the type of cleaning applied. Specific cleaning procedures for fouled membranes are available. Your ACID representative will recommend the optimum dosage necessary to ensure maximum program performance according to your specific […]
October 5, 2023

Multi Function Cooling Water Treatment

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Multifunction Cooling Water Treatment is a multifunctional zinc/phosphate/phosphonate based blend of scale and corrosion inhibitors PRINCIPAL USES Multifunction Cooling Water Treatment is a complete corrosion and deposit inhibitor program for open recirculating cooling water systems with wide range of hardness in an alkaline environment. PRODUCT BENEFITS DOSAGE The specific dosage of Multifunction Cooling Water Treatment varies depending on the operating characteristics of your system and the water chemistry. FEEDING Multifunction Cooling Water Treatment must be fed continuously to the system water at a point of high turbulence proportional to makeup rate. Slug feeding is not acceptable. If flow is sufficient, dosing in the central makeup water line is acceptable. Multifunction Cooling Water Treatment must be fed to the system using suitable feeding equipment. Do […]
October 5, 2023

Cooling Water Treatment

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Cooling Water Treatment containing synergized polymer type and organic stabilizers with organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors in liquid form. The corrosion protection of carbon steel is provided by a medium level of zinc, properly stabilized to guarantee the formation of a protective film, under alkaline conditions. The protection mechanism is mainly cathodic (zinc, bicarbonates) and very effective also in high conductivity systems. PRINCIPAL USES Cooling Water Treatment is a powerful anti-scale product preventing mineral scales and resisting to time, temperature and pH fluctuation in re-circulating cooling water systems.Cooling Water Treatment acts as a corrosion inhibitor, forming a protective film on metal surfaces of carbon steel, admiralty or other copper alloys to prevent pitting and general attacks. PRODUCT BENEFITS Prevents […]
October 5, 2023

Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor is a liquid blend of organic polymers, surfactants and copper inhibitors for corrosion and scale inhibition. PRINCIPAL USES Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor prevents corrosion on all metals including aluminum, copper and its alloys. Helps to form film on surface to prevent corrosion and deposit in the open re-circulating systems. PRODUCT BENEFITS DOSAGE The specific dosage of Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor varies depending on the operating characteristics of your system and the water chemistry. Your Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor representative will recommend the optimum dosage necessary to ensure maximum program performance according to your specific system parameters. FEEDING Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor  should be fed neat or diluted with demineralized water to a location in the system where it will […]
October 5, 2023

Boiler Treatment

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Boiler Treatment is a special blend of synthetic organic polymers, sulfite and phosphates. PRINCIPAL USES Boiler Treatment is designed to assure a high level of cleanliness in the boiler system, especially on the heat transfer surfaces. The product supports internal metal passivation in feedwater and boiler system.Boiler Treatment can be used at boiler systems with deaerators and with demineralized, RO-permeate make-up with a total hardness up to 5 ppm. Boiler Treatment is not volatile and is in compliance with FDA and USDA regulations. Boiler Treatment can be used at pressures up to 40 bars. PRODUCT BENEFITS DOSAGE The specific dosage of Boiler Treatment varies depending on the feed water quality and pressure. FEEDING Boiler Treatment is applied neat or diluted with softened water, condensate (<35°C) or deaerated boiler […]
October 5, 2023

Scale Inhibitor

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Scale Inhabitor is a boiler feedwater treatment containing special scale inhibitors, cleaners and scale removers. PRODUCT BENEFITS Includes online cleaners removing formerly present scale and iron deposits during operationDesigned to prevent scale and corrosion formation in feedwater boiler systemsPrevents under deposit corrosion in boilersReduces deposits, resulting in more efficient heat transfer, energy savings and fewer acid cleaningsExcellent corrosion inhibitor propertiesFDA 21 CRF 173-310 approvedSupports internal metal passivation in feedwater and boiler systemEnhanced formula prevents activity loss during long term storage and usage DOSAGE The specific dosage of Scale Inhibitor varies depending on the operating characteristics of your system and the water chemistry. FEEDING Scale Inhibitor must be fed continuously to condensate tank or deaerated boiler feedwater line to the […]
October 5, 2023

Reverse Osmosis AntiScalant For Sea Water

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Reverse Osmosis AntiScalant For Sea Water is a liquid antiscalant for reverse osmosis systems specifically designed for sea water applications. PRODUCT BENEFITS Prevents silica and hardness salts formation and increases system efficiencyEliminates acid usage and provides a safe working environmentContains active ingredients for sludge formation prevention and increases membrane cleaning range ➢ Effective at low dosagesCompatible with all membrane typesEasy and safe to useEspecially designed for membranes functioning with seawaterComplies with NSF up to 15 ppmEnhanced formula prevents activity loss during long term storage and usage DOSAGE & FEEDING The BIMAKS computer software will define the optimum chemical requirement for any given water quality. While calculating dosage rates membrane manufacturer’s limits, product capability, operating parameters and feedwater quality are […]
October 5, 2023

Alkaline Reserve Osmosis Membrane Cleaner

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Alkaline  is a liquid alkaline membrane cleaning agent. PRINCIPAL USES Alkaline  is a membrane cleaner developed to support the cleaning of acid insoluble sulfates of calcium, barium and strontium, as well as calcium fluoride. Alkaline  is also effective in removing iron oxides and hydroxides as well as calcium carbonate. Alkaline  is highly effective when used in combination with high pH detergent cleaners such as Alkaline  to help remove organic substances and microbial slimes. PRODUCT BENEFITS DOSAGE & FEEDING The dosage of Alkaline  very much depends on the severity of fouling and the type of cleaning applied. Specific cleaning procedures for fouled membranes are available. Your BİMAKS representative will recommend the optimum dosage necessary to ensure maximum program performance according to your specific […]
October 4, 2023

Reverse Osmosis Biocide

GENERAL DESCRIPTION RO membrane biocides are chemical compounds that are designed to prevent biological fouling or to remove bio-foulants from RO membrane. It has two variations viz. oxidizing and non-oxidizing micro biocide which helps in disinfection of Reverse Osmosis/Nano Filtration/Ultra Filtration membrane. Oxidizing type biocide is safe for potable Reverse Osmosis system and is highly efficient against broad spectrum micro-organisms. RO Membrane Biocide is completely biodegradable and is totally chlorine free and eco-friendly. The main reason of using an effective biocide program is to control bio-fouling in the membranes so that it can be relatively cost effective compared to cleaning programs.