October 5, 2023

Microorganism Control Agent

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Microorganism Control Agent is an aqueous solution that develops bromine when mixed with chlorine or hypochlorite and it also contains an effective bio dispersant. PRINCIPAL USES Microorganism Control Agent is used to enhance chlorine activity in cooling water systems. Microorganism Control Agent is used in combination with chlorine to control the macro and microbiological growth in cooling water, in industrial water pre-treatment plants and to sterilize waste water from industrial and municipal treatment plants. This product can be particularly useful in situations where biological control cannot be obtained within the regular chlorination limits. PRODUCT BENEFITS Microorganism Control Agent effectively penetrate and remove slime depositsHelps maximize heat transfer efficiencyHelps extend exchanger tube lifeCan reduce halogen residual in the dischargeMinimizes gaseous […]
October 5, 2023

Multi Function Cooling Water Treatment

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Multifunction Cooling Water Treatment is a multifunctional zinc/phosphate/phosphonate based blend of scale and corrosion inhibitors PRINCIPAL USES Multifunction Cooling Water Treatment is a complete corrosion and deposit inhibitor program for open recirculating cooling water systems with wide range of hardness in an alkaline environment. PRODUCT BENEFITS DOSAGE The specific dosage of Multifunction Cooling Water Treatment varies depending on the operating characteristics of your system and the water chemistry. FEEDING Multifunction Cooling Water Treatment must be fed continuously to the system water at a point of high turbulence proportional to makeup rate. Slug feeding is not acceptable. If flow is sufficient, dosing in the central makeup water line is acceptable. Multifunction Cooling Water Treatment must be fed to the system using suitable feeding equipment. Do […]
October 5, 2023

Cooling Water Treatment

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Cooling Water Treatment containing synergized polymer type and organic stabilizers with organic and inorganic corrosion inhibitors in liquid form. The corrosion protection of carbon steel is provided by a medium level of zinc, properly stabilized to guarantee the formation of a protective film, under alkaline conditions. The protection mechanism is mainly cathodic (zinc, bicarbonates) and very effective also in high conductivity systems. PRINCIPAL USES Cooling Water Treatment is a powerful anti-scale product preventing mineral scales and resisting to time, temperature and pH fluctuation in re-circulating cooling water systems.Cooling Water Treatment acts as a corrosion inhibitor, forming a protective film on metal surfaces of carbon steel, admiralty or other copper alloys to prevent pitting and general attacks. PRODUCT BENEFITS Prevents […]
October 5, 2023

Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor

GENERAL DESCRIPTION Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor is a liquid blend of organic polymers, surfactants and copper inhibitors for corrosion and scale inhibition. PRINCIPAL USES Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor prevents corrosion on all metals including aluminum, copper and its alloys. Helps to form film on surface to prevent corrosion and deposit in the open re-circulating systems. PRODUCT BENEFITS DOSAGE The specific dosage of Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor varies depending on the operating characteristics of your system and the water chemistry. Your Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor representative will recommend the optimum dosage necessary to ensure maximum program performance according to your specific system parameters. FEEDING Scale And Corrosion Inhibitor  should be fed neat or diluted with demineralized water to a location in the system where it will […]