September 16, 2023

Ozone Systems

Ozone water treatment begins with the creation of ozone in an ozone generator. Then, ozone is injected into water, and immediately starts oxidizing and eliminating contaminants, such as bacteria, viruses, and metals. Ozone oxidizes organic material in the membranes of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Why is Ozone used to purify water? Ozone is a powerful oxidising agent which, when dissolved in water, produces a broad spectrum biocide that destroys all bacteria, viruses and cysts. Ozone water treatment has been used commercially for the treatment of potable water since 1904. Unlike chlorine, ozone leaves no harmful by-products in the water or the environment. Ozone quickly reverts back to pure oxygen if unused. Ozone is one of the strongest and fastest commercially available disinfectant […]